Mario Hermoso nel mirino dell’Inter: il contratto è in scadenza. Chi è il difensore dell’Atletico Madrid.

The Atletico Madrid defender, 28 years old, could be the heir to Acerbi: he has just helped eliminate Inter from the Champions League. If you can’t beat your enemy, make them your friend, as the old sages used to say. And this aphorism can also be adapted to Inter in this case, considering the new transfer target for the nerazzurri: Mario Hermoso.
Yes, the Atletico Madrid defender. The same player who just knocked Inter out of the Champions League with the Colchoneros, on penalties and in a painful manner. According to ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’, he is the player that the Milanese club is considering for the next season. After Piotr Zielinski and Mehdi Taremi, both incoming transfers, another possible free transfer coup in the style of Beppe Marotta.