Video: Napoli rilascia un nuovo video ‘No al razzismo’ in vista della partita contro l’Atalanta

Napoli has released a new video clip titled ‘No to Racism’ on social media before their game against Atalanta in Serie A this Saturday. The club expressed their stance that they will not remain silent on issues related to discrimination. This comes after the decision by the FIGC to clear Inter defender Francesco Acerbi of racist allegations made by Napoli center-back Juan Jesus.

In response to the Acerbi verdict, Napoli has decided not to wear the league’s Keep Racism Out patches on their kit as a show of solidarity with Juan Jesus. The club’s recent statement on the matter was conveyed in a brief social media clip with the message emphasizing the importance of speaking out against racism and promoting equality and respect for all.

The club’s tweet included the caption: “We believe in a world where equality and respect are not just a vain illusion but concrete and universally recognized principles. For this to happen we must not remain silent. Tomorrow is the right opportunity to raise our voice and all together say NO to racism.”

Napoli’s proactive approach towards anti-racism campaigns showcases their commitment to supporting inclusivity and diversity in the sport.