Video: Festeggiamenti di De Rossi e dei giocatori della Roma dopo il fischio finale del derby

Daniele De Rossi and the players of Roma showed their delight after defeating Lazio on Saturday. Videos on social media captured the celebrations of the Giallorossi after their victory, which was their first over their city rivals in two years.

De Rossi, in his first-ever derby della Capitale as a Roma coach, expressed feeling ‘incredible’ pressure but was able to let go of the tension after the final whistle. He joined his players in front of the fans, waving at the iconic Curva Sud.

A clip of Roma’s celebrations at the Olimpico was shared by DAZN. There was some controversy as match-winner Gianluca Mancini waved a flag resembling a giant rat in Lazio colors. Mancini later apologized, stating that he hadn’t noticed the design and meant no offense.

The celebrations continued as seen in the video shared by DAZN Italia on Twitter.